Home / For Kids / 7 Refreshing Star Wars Party Games

7 Refreshing Star Wars Party Games

Star Wars: The Force Awakens party could be a great occasion for enjoying with your friends. It would be smart on your part to give the celebrations a fillip by designing cool games that tap the popularity of the Star Wars franchise for the group assembled. They keep the spirits high as you revel in pure celestial bliss.

Star Wars Party Game

Star Wars Birthday Party Games

Attack the Clone Army

Star Wars Birthday Party Game

  1. Give every player a lightsaber in the form of a pool noodle.
  2. Anchor a considerable number of white balloons in the yard.
  3. Now let the kids attack the balloons with their lightsabers.

The person who bursts all the balloons in minimum time is the winner. Add some more fun at the end of the game by having someone dress like Darth Vader so that the kids can fight him.

For a Star Wars pool party, put the kids in large inflatable pool floats dressed in swimwear and let them fight with their lightsabers. Good swimmers can just swim along as they fight their opponents.

Star Wars Party Game Idea

Lego Star Wars Party Game

Star Wars Themed Party Game

  1. Package an assortment of Lego blocks in Lego shaped boxes.
  2. Let the kids design their own star fighter.

The child with the best design is the winner.

Jumping the Mustafar Lava

Star Wars Birthday Party Game and Activity

This Jedi training obstacle game requires the kids to traverse the lava fields of Mustafar valiantly.

  1. Spread a red old vinyl tablecloth on the floor and attach brown paper cut outs on it.

N.B. There should be a considerable gap between the cut outs depending on the age of the players.

  1. The children should cross the “lava” without dropping their lightsabers.

Lightsaber Limbo: Star Wars Rebels Birthday Party Game

Star Wars Party Game for Kids

  1. Two persons hold their lightsabers tip to tip.
  2. They lower it periodically to let the players pass through.

If anyone touches it, he is out of the competition. The person who stays in the contest for the longest time is the winner. The DIY game would be fun if you lower the lightsabers impromptu for varying intervals of time and height.

Marshmallow Stormtroopers Game

Star Wars Party Game Idea for Toddlers

  1. Draw Stormtroopers on narrow white paper strips.
  2. Glue them around toilet paper rolls.
  3. Arrange them in a stack.

Knock them down in a single attempt with a marshmallow. If toddlers are involved, provide 3-5 marshmallows and increase the number of attempts accordingly.

Star Wars Party Games for Adults

Dark Side Bowling

Star Wars Party Games for Adults

  1. Print or paint pictures of Darth Vader and Stormtroopers’ faces.
  2. Glue them to a bowling set.
  3. Try to knock down all the pins.

For a Star Wars Christmas party, you can draw reindeer horns on the Stormtroopers.

Luke Lightsaber Hands: Star Wars Party Drinking Game

Star Wars Game for Birthday Party

This drinking game is a fun take on Edward 40 Hands.

  1. Take two 40 oz. (nearly 1.2 liters) malt liquor and duct tape them to the participants’ hands.
  2. Signal them to start drinking.

Since their hands are now full, they can’t do anything like going out of the room, visiting the washroom or answering the phone without finishing their drink. The person who finishes first is the winner.

The games are easy and are based on homemade ideas. The activities suit 5-10-year-olds and tweens. Excepting the first one that needs a large open area, almost all the Star Wars related games can be performed indoors. Play to sweat off all your worries and let your hair down.

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